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Petmas Tips: Food and Treats

Posted on 7 March 2024
Petmas Tips: Food and Treats

The silly season is nearly here, and many of us will include our beloved fur babies pets in our festivities. Follow our Baybreeze Petmas Tips to help your pet have a healthy and happy festive season!

Although your pet may beg for some table scraps and human treats, keep these well away from all pets. If you want to spoil your pets, buy treats formulated just for them.

Feeding your dog foods and treats that are not formulated for them can have serious consequences such as vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, and in some cases, chronic breathing difficulties.

Steer away from foods such as grapes, mince pies, Christmas puddings, whole Brazil nuts, alcohol, onion, raw potato (green), turkey bones and chocolate.

Remember, always contact your Vet straight away should you think your pet is unwell.

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