
Consultations provide an opportunity to discuss health issues, behavioural problems or preventative strategies relative to your pet. It is during these times that sick patients are attended to, routine health checks are performed and the relevant vaccinations given.

Consultations at Baybreeze Vet Clinic range from 20mins for general vaccinations, to 30mins or longer for more complicated matters. You may also request an extended consultation if you have multiple issues to discuss.

Bookings can be made online 24 hours a day, or by phoning (07) 3103 8432 during our opening hours. Please advise us about any particular concerns when booking your appointment. We request new clients arrive 15 minutes early with any relevant notes and certificates in order to complete the registration process.


Appropriate up to date vaccination protocols are a cornerstone of health care for your pet. Our veterinary team can assess and advise what your pet’s particular needs will be. Long gone are the days where there is a blanket recommendation for vaccinations.

Vaccinations are given to pets at the time of health check appointments. Please ensure you continue discussions with our veterinary team regarding what vaccinations are going to be relevant for your pet. Remember that recommendations may change in your pet’s lifetime.

We want to ensure the best protection for your pet at all times, and we certainly do not want to be giving or prescribing any health care medicines which may not be required.


Your pet’s teeth and oral hygiene are important to us. It is well known that pets live longer healthier, less painful lives, when they have a healthy mouth. They can’t brush their teeth like the humans in their lives. And they are very good at masking the pain which is often associated with dental disease.

Like everything else, oral health can change quite quickly. A buildup of tartar and calculus can quickly cause gingivitis and then progress to the more painful periodontal disease. Chipped and broken teeth can go unnoticed unless we look in the mouth, because very often pets will not display obvious mouth pain. Any form of smelly breath, obvious buildup on teeth, bleeding gums, or signs of trouble eating (eg dropping food), require checking.


There are compelling reasons for having your dog or cat de-sexed. It reduces the risk of reproductive diseases, cancers and infections of the reproductive organs in both males and females (e.g. testicular cancer, prostate enlargement, breast cancer, cystic ovaries and ovarian tumours). It can also prevent behavioural problems such as aggressive and antisocial behaviour.

Apart from potential health and behavioural risks, it also reduces the potential for unwanted puppies and kittens. Animal shelters constantly battle with huge numbers of unwanted puppies and kittens and put literally thousands of animals to sleep every year.

Lab Testing
Laboratory Testing

Baybreeze Family Vets have the ability to perform in-house blood testing, which makes diagnosing your pet’s health conditions a much quicker process than having to use an external pathology service. The main advantage of having an in-house lab is that treatments for any conditions your pet may be suffering from can be commenced the same day as the diagnosis is determined, instead of having to wait for test results.


X - rays (or radiographs) have been used since their invention to assist diagnosis, for a huge array of diseases and illnesses as well as the more obvious bone fractures

Radiographs are used to look at bones and soft tissues. Our veterinarians are trained to take and interpret radiographic images we take of your pet.

Whether we are looking for heart problems, bladder stones, eaten corn cobs, or broken bones or a variety of tumours, radiographs form a key part of our diagnostic tool kit.

Surgical Procedures
Surgical Procedures

At Baybreeze Family Vets we can perform a vast range of pet surgeries including desexing, tumor removals, stitching, caesareans as well as general surgical procedures. Our state of the art surgical offering is always clean, sterile, and welcoming, ensuring your fur babies are in the best hands possible.


Microchipping your pet provides you with a permanent identification for your 4 legged family member. This permanent identification - a unique number embedded in the copper coil coated in silicone - links your address and contact details to a national pet registry. The number in effect becomes your pet’s fingerprint and provides a fail safe identification for its lifetime.

Since 1st July 2018, it is compulsory by Queensland legislation, to have your pet microchipped, by the time they are 12 weeks of age.


Ultrasound imaging is often used together with xrays, however there are many times when investigating soft tissue structures, that ultrasound is able to give us more detailed information, and at times is the primary recommendation for imaging.

Ultrasound is especially beneficial when we are trying to understand about texture and size of soft tissue structures, particularly in the abdominal cavity, but increasingly it is used to investigate heart problems. It is particularly helpful for organs including the spleen, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and adrenal glands.

Parasite Prevention
Parasite Prevention

Pets live closely with their humans and in the 21st Century are truly family members. For this reason it is vital that for them, and us, to have a comprehensive and appropriate parasite prevention in place for our dogs and cats. Other pets may require parasite prevention.

Remember for multi pet households, all pets should be treated.

For specific clarification for your pet’s appropriate parasite preventative regime, please contact the practice or discuss this with our team when you next visit the practice.


We offer pet grooming and hydrobath facilities by appointment only.
Our nurses are trained to advise appropriate shampoo and or conditioning regimes for your pet.

Our veterinarians are always available to prescribe specific medicated treatments as part of the management of any sensitive skin, eczema, or dermatitis cases. Please remember that bookings are essential.

Puppy Pre School
Puppy Pre School

The aim of puppy preschool is to help owners teach their puppy to become a well mannered and happy member of the family using positive reward based training methods. It is also an excellent opportunity for your puppy to socialise with other puppies and people in a safe, controlled environment.

Please contact us for any puppy pre school enquiries.

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