Posted in Pet Tips & Tricks

Unhealthy Ears. Know The Signs!

Posted on 4 March 2024
Unhealthy Ears. Know The Signs!

Your pets’ ears play an important role in their overall health and well being but can sometimes be overlooked. Knowing the signs associated with a possible ear infection could help reduce long term damage.

If your pet is showing any of the following signs, contact your veterinarian straight away: Scratching the ear, shaking the head, pain when touched around the ears, a foul odour or discharge emanating from the ear canal, and/or, swelling or redness of the skin lining the ear canal. Infections may have primary underlying causes, including?allergies (to the environment or food), parasites (eg. ear mites), foreign bodies (eg. grass seeds), medical problems (eg. endocrine problems, growths, or skin disorders). Other contributing factors may include excess moisture in the ear (eg. from swimming or bathing) incorrect ear cleansing techniques, chronic inflammation from ear disease that has gone unchecked makes ear health a priority.

Maintaining your pet’s ear health is easy, if you require any additional information about your pet’s health and wellbeing, please feel free to contact us at (07) 3103 8432 or send us an email at We would be more than happy to have a friendly chat and provide you with expert veterinary advice. 

Posted in:Pet Tips & Tricks  
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